Our Engagement Anniversary

Today is April 1, the anniversary of our engagement. The proposal was broadcast live on Jeff Bishop’s The Desert Skies radio show. You can still hear the Live Marriage Proposal show. Last night, Jeff put on another wonderful show celebrating this anniversary by playing many of the songs from the original proposal show. We thank Jeff and ACB Radio Interactive for making this marriage proposal possible in the form it took.

This evening, we went to Outback Steakhouse for a yummy dinner and are now enjoying the last few hours of the day. Karen must work tomorrow, so we must not stay up much later. We are now looking forward to our wedding in just two month with great anticipation and excitement!

3 Responses to “Our Engagement Anniversary”

  1. WeddingKing Says:

    Good Luck!

  2. Wedding Chicago Blog Says:

    Congratulations! That’s one of the best engagement stories I’ve ever heard. I’m sure your fiancee’ loved every second of it.


  3. Antibush Says:

    Bush goes ballistic about other countries being evil and dangerous, because they have weapons of mass destruction. But, he insists on building up even a more deadly supply of nuclear arms right here in the US. What do you think? How does that work in a democracy again? How does being more threatening make us more likeable?Isn’t the country with
    the most weapons the biggest threat to the rest of the world? When one country is the biggest threat to the rest of the world, isn’t that likely to be the most hated country?
    What happened to us, people? When did we become such lemmings?
    We have lost friends and influenced no one. No wonder most of the world thinks we suck. Thanks to what george bush has done to our country during the past three years, we do!

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